Our forum will feature high-level speakers from all levels of government—federal, provincial, and municipal—as well as industry leaders, policymakers, and leading academics. These distinguished guests will provide invaluable insights and perspectives, making the SMR Forum 2024 a must-attend event for anyone involved in the energy sector.

The Honourable
Brian Jean
Minister of Energy and Minerals of Alberta

Brian Jean was sworn in as the Minister of Energy and Minerals on June 9, 2023. He previously served as the Minister of Jobs, Economy and Northern Development. Prior to his service as an elected official at the provincial level, Mr. Jean was a Member of Parliament from 2004 to 2014 where he served as the Parliamentary Secretary to 3 different Ministers of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities. He has also previously dedicated 11 years to private legal practice as partner at a large Northern Alberta law firm, primarily as a litigator, and owned several successful small businesses. Mr. Jean holds a Bachelor of Laws as well as a Bachelor of Science and a Masters in Business Administration. Brian Jean was first elected as the Member of the Legislative Assembly for Fort McMurray-Conklin May 5, 2015, and as the Member for Fort McMurray-Lac La Biche on March 16, 2022 and was re-elected on May 29, 2023.

Tony P. Clement
Former Minister of Industry and President of the
Treasury Board

Tony has had a long and distinguished career in politics, law, and business spanning four decades. Tony served as a Member of Parliament from 2006 to 2019 and a member of the provincial legislature in Ontario from 1995 to 2003. At the federal level, Tony held senior portfolios in Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Cabinet, including Minister of Health, Minister of Industry and President of the Treasury Board. Among the many mandates given to him by the Prime Minister, he was tasked with initiating the cost reductions and business transformations that allowed for balancing the federal budget, and he negotiated the deal with Chrysler, GM, auto sector unions, and the US Government, which helped save the domestic auto sector in 2013. He also helped to fashion the first National Pandemic Plan and helped to establish the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer and the Mental Health Commission. As Industry Minister, he initiated Canada’s Digital Strategy and later Canada’s open data strategy as part of the worldwide Open Government Partnership. Before federal politics, Tony Clement served in the cabinets of Ontario Premiers Mike Harris and Ernie Eves, where he was Minister of Transportation, Minister of the Environment, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and Minister of Health and Long-Term Care. Since leaving elected office in 2019, Tony has engaged with several entrepreneurial projects, led IT startup companies, and served on various IT and healthcare boards while providing strategic advice to clients nationally and internationally. He also served as Pierre Polievre’s fundraising director during the 2022 leadership campaign and was subsequently appointed to the Conservative Party’s fundraising committee. Today, Tony works internationally, with strong connections in the USA, UK, Europe, South America, Asia, and India. He is a trained lawyer who enjoys analyzing and supporting clients with strategic advice from legal, geopolitical, and financial perspectives. Tony hosts the daily television program “Boom and Bust” on The News Forum, focusing on business, the economy, tech and national security. He also co-hosts his regular podcast, “And Another Thing Podcast,” and hosts a monthly radio program. Tony Clement lives in Muskoka, Ontario, with his wife Lynne, a lawyer and successful author. They have three adult children.

Rumina Velshi
Former President and CEO Canadian
Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC)

With over four decades of experience in the nuclear energy industry, Rumina is a senior leader and strategic advisor to investors, project proponents, and technology developers worldwide, as well as governments, international organizations, and regulatory agencies. Rumina is sought after by organizations around the world for her strategic and operating advice on matters ranging from safety, compliance, and regulatory issues, leadership, to investment due diligence, strategic transactions, and innovative nuclear projects, including small modular reactor projects. Over the course of her career Rumina, worked in various capacities as a senior executive at Ontario Hydro and Ontario Power Generation. She most recently served as President and CEO of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, a role she held for five years after previously serving as a Commission member for seven years. Rumina is currently on the Board of Directors of SaskPower and Hydro Ottawa. She is also a cofounder and principal of a startup nuclear energy company, ZettaJoule,in Japan and Strategic Advisor at Torys LLP. 
Rumina also holds numerous positions with international nuclear organizations, including:
- Member, International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group to the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency;
- Chair, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency High Level Group on Stakeholder Engagement and Trust; and
- International Expert Advisor to Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority.
- Recognition and Awards
- In November 2023, Rumina was presented the “Icon of Nuclear” award by the International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation in recognition for her global leadership as a nuclear regulator, the vision she has demonstrated as an agent of change and the mentoring she has provided to people around the world, especially women in the nuclear sector.
- Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Nuclear Energy Policy initiative, May 2024
- Distinguished Fellow at Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy

Adam Sweet
Director for Western Canada
Clean Prosperity

Adam joined Clean Prosperity from the Government of Alberta, where he helped establish Canada’s first ESG Secretariat as its Executive Director, ESG Coordination and Integration. Prior to this, Adam led the Government Relations team at the University of Alberta and held various roles with local economic development, consulting, and business organizations, and also led a local strategic advisory firm. Adam returned home to Alberta in 2013 following many years in Ottawa working on Parliament Hill, including in Canada’s Environment Minister’s Office in 2011-13. Prior to that, Adam spent time in Canada’s Embassy in Washington, D.C., and served nearly two years on the ground in Afghanistan deployed with the Canadian Government. A fervent believer in the power of people to create positive change in their communities, Adam is a former Canadian Army Reservist and very active national, provincial, and local volunteer, currently serving on the Concordia University of Edmonton’s Business Advisory Council, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Foundation’s Board of Trustees, and as a local minor soccer coach.

William (Bill) Smith
Senior Vice President - Operations & Engineering
Terrestrial Energy

A Senior Executive with 37 years of extensive experience in the energy business, including over 20 years in the nuclear industry at Ontario Hydro and Ontario Power Generation between 1981 and 2002. He worked as a Resident Project Engineer at Bruce and Darlington during the construction and commissioning phases, and subsequently advanced to a senior leadership role as the Vice President of Supply Chain where his responsibilities included all nuclear procurement, materials management and source surveillance activities. In 2002, Mr. Smith joined Siemens Canada rising to become the Senior Vice President of Siemens’ energy business in Canada, which included power generation and transmission, oil and gas and smart technologies across the energy sector. He was responsible for all sales and marketing, manufacturing, service delivery and project management and successfully built the business into a billion-dollar enterprise. During Mr. Smith’s tenure in both the private and public sector, he has developed deep experience and capability in major project execution, building team capability and managing external interfaces with clients, suppliers and regulators. Mr. Smith holds a B. Eng (with Distinction) from Carleton University and an MBA from the Schulich School at York University. He is a P. Eng registered with the Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO) and with the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA).

Brian Fehrenbach
Interim CEO
Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries (OCNI)

Brian Fehrenbach joined the Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries (OCNI) in 2021 after 20 years of developing nuclear business opportunities around the world. Starting with Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd followed by Candu Energy and Ontario Power Generation, Brian has worked with governments, private companies and partners to develop and implement business strategies for market entry and growth. With the Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries, Brian leads international activities as well as the develpoment of a pan-Canadian nuclear supply chain through OCNI’s Ready4SMR Program. Brian studied mathematics at The University of Waterloo and three sons who all understand the importance of nuclear energy in a clean economy.

Bartek Rzentkowski
Senior Project Officer
for the Advanced Reactor Licensing Division Canadian
Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC)

Bartek Rzentkowski is a Senior Project Officer for the Advanced Reactor Licensing Division at the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC). Bartek’s current focus is leading the licensing and regulatory review of the Darlington Small Modular Reactor project, the first reactor of its kind in North America. In addition, Bartek is leading the development of a lessons-learned report to support future applicants. With a background that includes project management for nuclear power regulatory oversight, compliance verification, and mechanical engineering, Bartek has contributed to key regulatory developments and international nuclear safety initiatives.

Chantelle de Jonge
Parliamentary Secretary
Affordability and Utilities Alberta

Chantelle de Jonge was appointed the Parliamentary Secretary for Affordability and Utilities on July 13, 2023. Ms. de Jonge was also appointed as one of Alberta's Pacific NorthWest Economic Region Delegate Council members and to the US Energy Council. Ms. de Jonge earned a bachelor’s degree with distinction in economics and philosophy at the University of Calgary and was awarded the Professor Z.M. Kubinski Prize in Economics for 2 research projects on Canadian economic issues. She also has her Master of Public Policy from the University of Calgary. Ms. de Jonge believes in giving back through volunteer efforts, and dedicates a lot of her time to volunteering, both at home and abroad. Chantelle de Jonge was first elected as the Member of the Legislative Assembly for Chestermere-Strathmore on May 29, 2023.

Chad Ford
National Director of Innovation
and Stakeholder Information Management

Chad is an experienced business leader and entrepreneur, having founded Sunexo Solutions and developed software used by over 500 projects across North America. As the former VP of Innovation at Communica, he was responsible for Stakeholder Information Management software and services, and has led the creation of the IRIS SIM software. With on-the-ground experience in indigenous community engagement, Chad has a unique perspective on clean energy through infrastructure. Additionally, he is a board member at the Canadian-American Chamber of Commerce for Western Canada, Director at the Founder Institute, the founder of Startup Grind Calgary, and a recipient of the Rising Stars award for his contributions to the energy industry. Chad Ford boasts a wealth of experience in public speaking, having participated in numerous industry-specific events as a panel member. His involvement includes events such as The Oil Sands Conference & Trade Show, Western Aboriginal Consultation & Engagement, and the Williston Basin Petroleum Conference. At these events, Chad shared insights on stakeholder and Indigenous engagement trends and best practices, emphasizing the role of technology in enhancing these relationships and streamlining the regulatory process. In addition to his public speaking engagements, Chad is a skilled educator. He mentored for a year at SAIT's Energy Asset Management program, where he shared his knowledge of the regulatory process and the adoption of technology in the energy sector with students. He also co-Directed the internationally recognized Founder Institute startup accelerator for Western Canada for two and a half years, leading weekly sessions and moderating public discussions with top investors and entrepreneurs.

Daniel Jurijew
Vice-President, Regulatory, Siting and Stakeholder
Engagements (SMR) Capital Power

Daniel Jurijew is currently Vice-President, Regulatory, Siting and Stakeholder Engagements (SMR) for Capital Power. Prior to his appointment to this role in April 2024, Daniel served as Vice-President, Government Relations, Regulatory & Environmental Policy for Capital Power since 2020, and prior to that was Vice-President, Government & External Relations. Daniel has over 23 years of experience in electricity markets. In his current role, Daniel is responsible for leading Capital Power’s regulatory and policy activities, stakeholder and Indigenous community engagement, and government relations initiatives relating to potential development of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) and nuclear power generation in Alberta. Daniel has participated on behalf of Capital Power in numerous processes undertaken by the Government of Alberta, AESO and other market agencies regarding a range of issues, including reviews relating to Alberta’s climate change policies and electricity market design, and has also led Capital Power’s advocacy and engagement in various policy initiatives undertaken by the Federal government on environment and carbon policy matters. Daniel also served as Chair of the Board of Directors of the Independent Power Producers Society of Alberta (“IPPSA”) for a two-year term from 2018 – 2020, and as Vice-Chair from 2016 – 2018. Prior to Capital Power, Daniel was with EPCOR Utilities Inc. from 2001 - 2009, where he held roles relating to regulatory affairs as well as strategic initiatives. From October 1990 – July 2001, he was employed with the Alberta Department of Energy in various capacities including Economist, Senior Economist and, at the time of his departure, Director, Natural Gas. Daniel graduated from the University of Alberta in 1990 with a Bachelor of Arts (Honours), with a specialization in Economics.

Duane Bratt
Political Science Professor
Mount Royal University

Duane Bratt is a political science Professor in the Department of Economics, Justice, and Policy Studies at Mount Royal University (Calgary, Alberta). He teaches in the area of international relations and Canadian public policy. His research interests include Canadian nuclear policy, Canadian foreign policy, and Alberta politics. Recent publications include: co-editor of Blue Storm: The Rise and Fall of Jason Kenney (University of Calgary Press, 2023), co-editor, Orange Chinook: Politics in the New Alberta (University of Calgary Press, 2019), co-editor, Readings in Canadian Foreign Policy: Classic Debates and New Ideas 3rd edition (Oxford University Press, 2015) and author of Canada, the Provinces, and the Global Nuclear Revival (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2012). Current projects include a book on the politics of covid in Alberta. Duane is also a regular commentator on political events.

Chief Emerita Emily Whetung
Director of Indigenous Partnerships, Business Development
Ontario Power Generation

Chief Emily Whetung grew up in Curve Lake First Nation and left long enough to pursue a higher education at Trent University and Osgoode Hall Law School. Chief of Curve Lake from 2019-2022, Chief Emily is passionate ensuring the grandchildren of her great-grandchildren have bright future. Chief Emily is currently the Director of Indigenous Partnerships, Business Development at Ontario Power Generation. In 2023 Emily was appointed to the Canadian Electricity Advisory Council which produced a report for the Minister of Natural Resources Canada. Before joining OPG. Chief Emily was an active participant in the Anishinabek Nation Leadership Council, the vice-chair to the Indigenous Advisory Council for Small Modular (Nuclear) Reactor Action Plan, and was a Panel member for Ontario’s Electrification and Energy Transition Panel. Chief Emily currently sits as a member of the Canadian Electricity Advisory Council and on the Board of Governors for Ontario Tech U. She continues to use her expertise and knowledge to ensure that that voices of Indigenous people are heard and respected.

Francis Bradley
President and Chief Executive Officer
Electricity Canada

Canada is the National Voice of Electricity and serves its electricity industry members through the work of expert professionals led by Francis and directed by a Board of Directors made up of member CEOs. Francis is the co-chair of the National Cross-Sector Forum, overseeing Canada’s Action Plan for Critical Infrastructure. He also sits on the Steering Committee for the Electricity Sub-Sector Coordinating Council (ESCC), the Board for the Energy Council of Canada (ECC), the Positive Energy Advisory Council, and is a founding Board member of the Canadian Transportation Alliance. At the North American Electric Reliability Corporation’s (NERC) Member Representatives Committee and Board of Trustees’ meetings, Francis represents Electricity Canada and advocates strongly for its members in their activities related to the Electric Reliability Organization Enterprise, and its role in ensuring the reliability and security of the North American bulk power system. Prior to being named CEO in June 2019, Francis managed Electricity Canada’s day-to-day activities as Chief Operating Officer since 2014. During that time, he also acted as a member of the National Advisory Committee of Canada’s Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction and was a co-chair with the Standards Council of Canada of the Smart Grid Standards Advisory Committee. In 2019 Francis created and continues to host “The Flux Capacitor” podcast, featuring discussions about the future of electricity with CEOs, regulators, political figures, and leaders from civil society.

Grace Meikle
Director for Technology Impact
Emissions Reduction Alberta (ERA)

Grace Meikle is the Director for Technology Impact at Emissions Reduction Alberta (ERA). Through the Government of Alberta’s Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction (TIER) fund, ERA reinvests carbon tax from heavy industrial emitters into emissions reduction and technology innovation projects from technology readiness levels 7-9. Grace has over 12 years’ experience in clean energy technology scale-up, business development and project management. Previously, Grace worked in the US and Canadian nuclear industries and in oil and gas field operations in Alberta. She has a B.Sc. in Physics and Mandarin from the University of Notre Dame.

Guy Lonechild
Chief Executive Officer
First Nations Power Authority (FNPA)

Mr. Lonechild (White Bear First Nations- Treaty #4) is a well-known advocate in creating new economic opportunities and serves as President and CEO of First Nations Power Authority connecting both Indigenous and Industry leaders in renewable and alternative energy development.  As a first of its kind organization, Mr. Lonechild heads the organization as our strategic leader and serves the FNPA Board and provides leadership direction to the FNPA Team. Guy served as Vice-Chief and Chief of the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations (1999- 2008 and 2009-2011), where he oversaw the 25-year Economic Development Strategy highlighting important work in Alternative Energy, Oil and Gas, Agriculture, Tourism, Gaming, Housing and Community Infrastructure, Education, Health and Social Development. Before entering politics, Guy served in various capacities as band administrator and private consultant to First Nations in Business and Community Development.  He holds a Masters of Business Administration in Strategic Leadership from Cape Breton University and Associates Degree in Golf Complex Operations Management. He and his wife Leah have one child, Darian Lonechild and enjoy quality time with friends and extended family.

Justin McKeown
Senior Advisor for the Indigenous Consultation and
Engagement Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

Justin McKeown is a Senior Advisor for the Indigenous Consultation and Engagement team at the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC). Justin has a background as an Environmental Assessment practitioner and specialist having led and managed numerous large environmental assessment filings for multi-component projects to the Canada Energy Regulator. Justin’s current focus is on building relationships and working collaboratively with Indigenous Nations and communities, other government entities, and proponents to ensure that Indigenous communities’ issues and concerns are substantially addressed through CNSC’s regulatory processes. Justin has a keen interest in cumulative effects and assessing cumulative impacts on Indigenous and Treaty Rights.

Kai Horsfield
Director, Government and Stakeholder Relations for
Western Canada
Chemistry Industry Association of Canada

As the Director, Government and Stakeholder Relations for western Canada at the Chemistry Industry Association of Canada, Kai Horsfield represents the association in the western provinces. He has full responsibility for the development and implementation of government relations strategies to effectively communicate and advocate for the chemistry and plastics sector in the region. Prior to Joining CIAC, Kai spent over seven years leading and supporting government relations, public policy and regulatory initiatives with the Canadian Energy Pipeline Association. Kai holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Economics from the University of Alberta and a Master of Public Policy from the University of Calgary

Melissa Mbarki
Policy Advisor
Office of the Minister of Energy and Minerals

With 17 years of combined experience in the Energy Sector, Melissa has held various roles throughout her career, including Finance, Royalty Analyst, Land Analyst, Policy Advisor, Environment Lead, Regulatory & Compliance Advisor, and Strategist. She has contributed to prominent news outlets such as The National Post, The Toronto Sun, The Globe & Mail, and The Hub. Melissa has worked on major pipeline projects spanning three provinces and the United States, as well as a large-scale acquisition/divestment project involving billions in oil and gas assets and land transfers for a Treaty Land Entitlement Settlement. She has testified before the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs regarding Bill C-29, which aims to establish a National Council for Reconciliation, and in 2022, she was invited to testify before the Standing Committee on Finance. Raised on a reserve, Melissa is passionate about helping Indigenous communities achieve economic reconciliation. Her deep industry knowledge, combined with candid discussions about poverty and disparity on reserves, has given her a unique voice on the topic of reconciliation. One of the most rewarding aspects of her career has been working with environmental firms on well decommissioning and land reclamation, allowing her to integrate traditional knowledge passed down from her grandfather with modern practices. Melissa is a strong advocate for the oil and gas sector, recognizing its role in providing her with a diversified and fulfilling career, as well as helping to break cycles of poverty. She is committed to addressing misinformation and advocating for economic opportunities in Indigenous communities.

Michael Chatlani
Vice President
Business Development – Power Systems and
Simulation L3Harris MAPPS

Michael assumed responsibility for L3Harris’ Power Systems and Simulation business’ sales more than 25 years ago. He and his team grew sales and market presence, establishing the company as the world leader in the delivery of nuclear power plant simulators. The globally envied Orchid® software brand was also developed under Michael’s leadership. He is supported by sales professionals, a proposal development team and sales representatives globally. As the head of business development, he is often involved with defining the company’s technological needs/innovations. Prior to his roles in marketing and business development, Michael held various positions in project management implementing both energy management and power plant simulator projects. Michael holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) degree from Concordia University in Montreal, Canada. L3Harris unlocks value in training and engineering with classroom training technology, plant systems trainers, engineering simulators, full scope operator training simulators, 3D Digital Twins and training services.

Norman JD Sawyer
ION Nuclear Consulting & Former Nuclear Industry
C-Suite Executive

Norm, as he is known by his friends and colleagues, built his extensive knowledge base on an early technical and regulatory foundation, leading to C-Suite Executive roles. Norm’s distinguished career in the energy field has included significant experience in both the commercial operation, and the regulation of, large Canadian nuclear generation facilities, as well as supporting a number of Small Modular Nuclear Reactor (SMNR) technology reviews, including industrial SMNR integration strategies for large energy corporations. Through ION Nuclear Consulting Limited, Norm provides Canadian and International clients with extensive knowledge and experience to support the design, development and successful implementation of various proven strategies and approaches to enhance performance, support supply chain business opportunities and assist Investors and Executive teams with critical decision making. Norm has previously served as President & Chief Executive Officer at ARC Clean Energy Canada Inc., a Small Modular Reactor technology vendor. Before these roles, Norm served in key Nuclear Industry Leadership roles such as the Executive Vice President & Chief Nuclear Officer at Bruce Power, which is the only privately owned nuclear operator in Canada, and at that time, was the largest nuclear generating site in the world. Additionally, Norm served in senior leadership roles at the Hydro Quebec Gentilly-2 nuclear generating station and at the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. Early in his career, Norm fulfilled several key roles at the New Brunswick Point Lepreau Generating Station, including holding a license to operate the nuclear facility. Internationally, Norm spent time assisting the World Association of Nuclear Operators.

Sandra Dykxhoorn
Vice President
of New Nuclear Development Ontario
Power Generation (OPG)

As the Vice President of New Nuclear Development for Ontario Power Generation (OPG), Sandra oversees the company’s long-term new nuclear growth strategy, building external relationships and creating a pipeline of opportunities. OPG is paving the way for the deployment of new nuclear development in Canada and abroad, building the first-ever, commercial scale Small Modular Reactor (SMR) at its Darlington New Nuclear Site. The New Nuclear team is helping capitalize on OPG’s first-mover advantage contribute value back to Ontario. Prior to moving to the New Nuclear team, Sandra was OPG’s Director of Provincial Relations, where she provided counsel and support to OPG’s Management Team on all provincial government relations matters, including new business growth opportunities. Prior to joining OPG, Sandra spent a decade in the federal government on both the political and civil service sides. She graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Carleton and is a proud alumnus of the Laurentian Leadership Program in Ottawa and the Institut d’Etudes Politiques (IEP) in Grenoble France.

Sean Conway
Specialist, Indigenous Participation
Candu Energy Inc., an AtkinsRéalis company

As Candu Energy’s Specialist, Indigenous Participation, Sean Conway works to develop Indigenous opportunities for participation in the CANDU ® MONARK™. A Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg from Curve Lake First Nation, Sean has experience working with First Nations as the lead in advocacy and intergovernmental affairs with a tribal council, and as an elected Councillor in his home community overseeing Consultation, Infrastructure, Lands, Environment, and Education Prior to joining AtkinsRéalis, Sean spent several years supporting the Mississauga Nation, advancing the political, economic, and intergovernmental interests of the six Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg communities across Ontario. In 2022, he was appointed to serve as a Trustee for the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board representing Alderville, Curve Lake, and Hiawatha First Nations. Sean sits on Canada's Indigenous Advisory Council for the Small Modular Reactor Action Plan and has also spent time as an instructor for Fleming College A lifelong learner, he is completing a degree in Public Administration and Governance at Toronto Metropolitan University with the First Nations Technical Institute. Sean lives in Curve Lake First Nation with his partner and two daughters.

Tracy Primeau, ICD.D
Member Board of Directors
Women in Nuclear Canada

Tracy Primeau began her career in 1990 at the Ontario Power Generation Pickering Nuclear Generating Station as a Nuclear Operator in Training and was qualified as a Nuclear Operator at Pickering A in 1992. Three years later, she moved home to Kincardine and became a qualified Nuclear Operator at Bruce A, progressing to Authorized Nuclear Operator and eventually to Shift Manager in 2010. She is one of the few women (and the only Indigenous one) to become a CNSC licensed operator at Bruce Power (the first at Bruce A) and the only female Shift Manager to work her way up from the shop floor. Ms. Primeau is also a mentor and role model to many men and women in the energy sector, often sharing insights from her nuclear career at conferences, professional development events and other initiatives. She offers insights on diversity, women in STEM and Indigenous relationship building through her company Agile Bear. Tracy is a proud member of the Nipissing First Nation and was a founding member of the Ontario Hydro Native Circle in 1992 and was the first Chair of the Bruce Power Native Circle, a position she held for many years. She strives to use the Seven Grandfather Teachings in her leadership every day. Raising her two boys with her husband Dave, Tracy has always been active in her community. Tracy currently serves on the Board of Directors for Women in Nuclear Canada, Ontario Power Generation, Ingenium, United College Board of Governors and the University of Waterloo. Within her community, she actively strives to establish creative and lasting solutions for the systemic hurdles faced by Indigenous populations. Among her many aspirations is the global expansion of clean energy, with a special focus on extending its benefits to remote Indigenous communities across Canada and equity partnerships on the path to economic reconciliation.